
There is no shortage of options out there as far as creating a deck for your home patio. The most common option to go with is a pressure-treated wooden deck. This is the most popular option at the time because of the fact that it’s the most affordable. Along with being affordable, pressure-treated wood decks are durable, and long-lasting. A properly built pressure-treated wood deck will be able to take a considerable amount of wear & tear, but at a cost. Often enough, after years of usage, pressure-treated wood decks will begin to shrink and curl up when it starts to wither away. This is because the wood isn’t of a premium quality. By buying wood of a higher grade, you’ll be less likely to experience a decline in the quality of your deck. If you’re willing to spend a little more to do away with the maintenance issues, your best option is most likely to go with composite decking. Composite decks are made from wood fibers and recycled plastics. Because of their makeup, they’re regarded as the most sustainable option. They’re also regarded as being able to withstand any climate. Outside of an annual cleaning, they won’t need much attention. Aside from lacking the feel of natural wood, the only drawback of composite decking is the lack of options you have regarding color. Composite decks are most commonly found in some variation of gray. If you’re looking for a combination of quality and look, natural wood may be the best option you have. Wood decking is the most traditional choice for decking because it lasts on homes for such a long time. Though they may be long-lasting, their good looks come at a cost to the owner in the form of upkeep. More specifically, lower quality woods may require more work than higher quality ones. A heavier wood like mahogany which isn’t prone to splitting or cracking will require less maintenance than a wood like pine, which may chip over time. Other natural woods that lasts on decks for a reasonable amount of time include redwood and ipe. One thing to remember about wood decks is that they all need to be sealed and stained at some point. Deciding which deck is right for you means you’ll have to decide which qualities are the most important to you. If you decide that cost is king and you want to spend as little as possible, a pressure treated deck may be your best option. If being eco-friendly is of importance to you, a composite deck is your best choice. Along with sustainability, minimal maintenance is another reason why a homeowner may decide to go with a composite deck. If you decide that you care about durability and looks, you should choose to go with a natural wood deck, with the wood being one of your choice. If you need help deciding which material to build your deck with, the experts at O’leary & Sons would be more than happy to provide you with assistance. Contact O’leary & Sons today to get started on your summer patio.


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