
The reason why many people prefer to go with composite decking is because they are resilient, low-maintenance and authentic in appearance. In other words, the deck will most likely outlive the owner.

If you’re going to use wood, remember that wood needs to be treated in order to stand the harsh conditions of the environment, such as moisture. Here are 7 steps on how to build a small or large freestanding deck step by step:

  1. Decide Which Design You Want to Build

It’s important to decide what you want before embarking on the task. There’s a vast array of designs available, and basic ones can be found on the web. You could also look for inspiration in the local magazines. This is also a good time to gather all the decking supplies you’ll need for the task at hand.  Take into consideration the average cost per square foot to build a deck.

  1. Excavate the Site

This step involves marking out the site using pegs and checking the diagonals for the site you want to work on. You can use a shovel to get rid of grass and top soil, up to a depth of 75mm deep. Break into the hardened area using a mattock.

  1. Taking the Measurements

If you’re not sure, take the measurements to any home improvement store near you for accurate measurements. The benefit of doing this is to ensure that the measurements are taken by a professional. They’ll assist you, cut the right amount of lumber and make sure that it is cut into the right size for your project to take off immediately.

Tip: When using pressure-treated wood, observe the following:

Most decks use pressure-treated wood on the visible parts, such as the decking itself, the benches and structural parts. However, many decks which utilize pressure-treated wood lose their luster after a certain period of time. The wood either splits or turns into an ugly grey, which might not look good after some time. This should not worry you because a little care here and there can go a long way into making sure that your building deck looks great at all times.

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